
PEPTAMEN® is the only family of 100% whey formulas supported by over 25 years of clinical experience and more than 60 published studies.

Studies in a variety of conditions show that Peptamen® formulas:

  • Are well-tolerated and associated with improvement in diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain1-3
  • Promote progression to goal feeding4-7
  • Are associated with superior protein repletion, weight gain and improvement in nutritional status4,8-9

Key features and benefits of the Peptamen® range:

The Peptamen® Family of products are widely used from hospital to homecare.

Conditions and pathologies where Peptamen® products have been observed to have an impact in the clinical setting include:


  • GI intolerance12
  • Malabsorption syndrome
  • Chyle leaks10
  • Inflammation11
  • Weight gain or maintenance8
  • Achievement of feeding goals4-7
  • Stress hyperglyceamia


  • Critically ill
  • Crohn's disease
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Short bowel syndrome
  • Pancreatitis
  • Stroke
  • Neurological disorders

For complex needs and reliable tolerance

All Peptamen® products are built around the pillars of hydrolysed 100% whey protein and medium chain triglycerides, which represents at least 50% of the total fat.

With a broad product offering the Peptamen® family includes different combinations of Total Energy (TE) coming from proteins and carbohydrates. Peptamen® also comes in flavoured oral and powder formulations.

The Peptamen® Family offers a wide range of solutions enabling Health Care Professionals to appropriately choose Peptamen® for complex needs and reliable tolerance across a range of scenarios.

The Peptamen® range provides hydrolyzed 100% whey protein (<1% intact protein):

Peptamen® 1.0 provides
In 1500 kcal (1500 ml):

60 g of protein

Peptamen® 1.5
In 1500 kcal (1000 ml):

68 g of protein

Peptamen® AF provides
In 1500 kcal (1000 ml):

94 g of protein

Peptamen® Intense VHP provides
In 1500 kcal (1500 ml):

138 g of protein

Peptamen Junior® provides
In 1000 kcal (1000 ml):

30 g of protein

Peptamen Junior® Advance
In 1000 kcal (667 ml):

30 g of protein

Peptamen Junior® HP provides
In 1000 kcal (833 ml):

40 g of protein

Not suitable for individuals with Cow milk protein allergy

Key Fact Block

Peptide carriers binding whey protein peptides for transport into the gut mucosal epithelial cells

MCTs are absorbed from the small intestine into the villi, even if the villi are unhealthy


  • Whey protein is a high quality protein containing all essential amino acids with a PDCAAS* score of 1
  • Whey proteins are classified as 'rapid release' proteins13-16, because they empty from the stomach and are metabolized faster than many other proteins
  • Whey remains in a liquid form, while casein coagulates. This coagulation alters the kinetics of the stomach so contents are more slowly released as a solid rather than the efficient rapid emptying of liquids

*Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) is a measure of protein quality. A score of 1 means that the protein contains all essential amino acids in quantities that correspond to human requirements


  • Hydrolysis means that the proteins are broken into smaller peptide chains facilitating absorption and digestion. These whey protein peptides contain branched-chain amino acids which stimulate protein synthesis and help maintain lean body mass
  • Peptides are easily absorbed even when the gut is impaired. They bind to peptide carriers, are transported into the mucosal epithelial cells and are further broken down into simple amino acids where absorption into the bloodstream occurs


  • In our normal diets we need to break down Long Chain Triglycerides (LCTs) to Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in order to absorb essential fatty acids
  • MCTs provide a simpler metabolic process as they do not need breakdown from bile salts or pancreatic enzymes so travel directly from the gut mucosa to the liver where they are rapidly converted to energy
  • MCTs are therefore useful in critical illness, liver or pancreatic dysfunction, and in pathologies where the enzymes needed for fat breakdown are compromised


  • Insulin resistance and hyperglycemia are common in the acute care setting and significantly increase the risk of complications and death17-19
  • Whey protein may have a positive effect on glycemic response and increases insulin sensitivity20


  1. Fried MD, et al. Decrease in gastric emptying time and episodes of regurgitation in children with spastic quadriplegia fed a whey-based formula. J Pediatr 1992;120:569-572;
  2. Shea JC et al. Pancreatology 2003;3:36–40;
  3. Borlase BC et al. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1992;174:181–8;
  4. Dylewski ML et al. Nutrition Poster 72; ASPEN Clinical Nutrition Week 2006;
  5. Heyland DK et al. Crit Care Med 2013;41(12);
  6. Heyland DK et al. Crit Care 2010; 14:R78;
  7. Hopkins B, Alberda C. DC Conference 2016 (Abstract);
  8. Hussey TA et al. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2003;37:341;
  9. Polk DB et al. JPEN 1992;16:499–504;
  10. Pakula et al. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2011, 6:10;
  11. Meredith JW, et al. Visceral protein levels in trauma patients are greater with peptide diet than with intact protein diet. J Trauma, Injury, Infection and Crit Care. 1990;30(7): 825-828;
  12. Minor G, Storm H. Clinical, Abst. 294; NASPGHAN, 2015;
  13. Pal S, Radavelli-Bagatini S: The effects of whey protein on cardiometabolic risk factors. Obes Rev 2013; 14:324–343.
  14. Bendtsen LQ, Lorenzen JK, Bendsen NT, Rasmussen C, Astrup A: Effect of dairy proteins on appetite, energy expenditure, body weight, and composition: a review of the evidence from controlled clinical trials. Adv Nutr 2013; 4: 418–438;
  15. Salehi A, Gunnerud U, Muhammed SJ, Ost-man E, Holst JJ, Björck I, Rorsman P: The insulinogenic effect of whey protein is par-tially mediated by a direct effect of amino ac-ids and GIP on β-cells. Nutr Metab (Lond) 2012; 9:48;
  16. Stanstrup J, Schou SS, Holmer-Jensen J, Hermansen K, Dragsted LO: Whey protein delays gastric emptying and suppresses plasma fatty acids and their metabolites compared to ca-sein, gluten, and fish protein. J Proteome Res 2014; 13:2396–2408;
  17. Van Vught, et al. Crit Care Med 2016;44:1338-46;
  18. Kar, et al. World J Diabetes 2015;Jun10;6(5):693-706;
  19. Finfer, et al. N Engl J Med 2009;360:1283-1297;
  20. Adams RL, Broughton KS. Insulinotropic effects of whey: Mechanism of action, recent clinical trials, and clinical applicaions. Ann Nutr Metab 2016;69)(1):56-63;
